首页 > 作品列表 > 建筑环境艺术系 > 微世大美——西安下马陵传统社区微更新改造 - 左洵、潘一楠、吴浩平、吴韵琴83737设计
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对位于陕西省西安市碑林区的下马陵地区进行的一系列更新设计。在对该场地进行了为期半年的调研,在足够了解该场地的情况下,对其场地进行的“自下而上”的人性化的设计。通过原有场地提升设计、前瞻创新设计、城市历史人文设计等设计手法,对其场地进行改造。旨在设计之后能够让该地区的居民们获得更多的幸福感和便捷性。 A series of updated designs for the xiamaling area in beilin district, xi 'an, shaanxi province. After a


After the rapid development of the city, the old and old sites with low utilization rate or abandoned are reactivated. This design site selects xiamaling district of xi 'an city, and conducts a half-year research, discussion and creation process of generating the plan. Take "person" -- "demand" -- "function" -- "aesthetic feeling" as the design idea. With the original site improvement design, forward-looking innovative design, urban cultural and historical design and ecological sustainability, the level is improved successively. Not only to improve its site, but also to make urban development more comprehensive.