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郑靖龄,杨嘉浩 设计艺术学院
未来语言实验室 Future Language Lab
类别 设计
类型 视觉传达设计
年代 2020
人类因为需要传递自己的需求,产生迄今为止最伟大的发明—语言。 从而衍生出了人类几乎所有的表达的方式, 文字, 美术,音乐等等。但其实语言并非高效的沟通工具。有没有更直接的交流方式,未来随着社会科技的发展,百万年才进化出来的语言已经不能满足人类的需求了。 未来,将会出现颠覆性的沟通方式即脑对脑的直接沟通,能够更加清晰的传递人类之间的想法,避免歧义。 我们以此展开研究以及想象,人类大脑的神经元是神经系统最基本的结构和功能单位,通过电信号的传递从而塑造人了所感知的世界,通过对神经元结构的的分析,我们试图基于神经

人类因为需要传递自己的需求,产生迄今为止最伟大的发明—语言。 从而衍生出了人类几乎所有的表达的方式, 文字, 美术,音乐等等。但其实语言并非高效的沟通工具。有没有更直接的交流方式,未来随着社会科技的发展,百万年才进化出来的语言已经不能满足人类的需求了。



Thereby derived almost all expressions of human beings, words, art, music and so on. But in fact, language is not an efficient communication tool. Is there a more direct way of communication?In the future, through the development of social technology, languages that have evolved in millions of years can no longer meet human needs.

In the future, there will be a subversive communication method, that is, direct brain-to-brain communication, which can more clearly convey human ideas and avoid ambiguity.

We gradually carried out research and imagined that the neurons of the human brain are the most basic structural and functional units of the nervous system. Through the transmission of electrical signals, we shape the world we perceive. Through the analysis of the structure of neurons, we discover the neurons. We still can't read the way, but a concept presentation, a process of exploration.I hope that one day in the future, people can really achieve direct brain-to-brain communication through the interconnection of brain neurons, and even people of different races and different countries and different cultural backgrounds, eliminate barriers between each other and live in the global village.
